
No Attorney-Client Relationship or Legal Advice

The content of this website has been prepared by Legacy Law Firm, LLC for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice. The information on this website shall not be construed as an offer to represent you, nor is it intended to create, nor shall the receipt of such information constitute, an attorney-client relationship. We hope that you will find the information informative and useful, and we would be delighted to speak with you to answer any questions you may have about us.

Internet users, subscribers and readers should not act upon the information on this website, or decide not to act based upon the information on this website, without first seeking appropriate professional counsel from an attorney licensed in the user's jurisdiction. Because the content of any email directed to any of the email addresses on this website will not create an attorney-client relationship and will not be treated as confidential, you should not send us information until you speak to us and get authorization to send that information to us. Please understand that we cannot undertake a representation until, among other things, we are assured that doing so will not involve a conflict of interest. We therefore ask that you not send us any confidential information or information about any legal matter that may involve you without first contacting us and receiving a written statement from us whereby we agree to represent or advise you.

No Guarantee of Results

Certain practice summaries and attorney biographies on this website may describe results obtained for clients. These descriptions are intended only to provide information about our activities and experience and should not be understood as a guarantee or assurance of future success in any matter. Any results portrayed were dependent on a variety of facts and circumstances unique to the particular matters described, and do not reflect the entire record of anyone involved. Past results are no guarantee of the results in future matters, and the outcome of a particular case or matter cannot be based upon a lawyer's or law firm's past results. We do not make any guarantee, promise or other assurance that the same or similar results can be obtained in any matter we may undertake, and you should not assume that a similar result or outcome can be obtained by us in your legal matter. The outcome of any particular matter depends on a variety of factors – including, among other things, the specific facts and circumstances of the matter, the applicable law, the competence of opposing counsel and unanticipated events.

Links to Third-Party Websites

This website may contain links to other third-party websites. Such links are only for the convenience of the reader, user or browser, and we do not recommend or endorse the contents of the third-party sites. Any such links to third-party websites or other content is for informational purposes only. We cannot control these third-party links or the content found therein. We are not responsible for the content of any third-party website, and the inclusion of any links to such third-party websites does not constitute or imply any recommendation, approval or endorsement of such third-party websites.

Limitation of Liability 

Use of this website is at the user's own risk and we expressly disclaim all liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on any contents of this website. The contents of the website contain general information and may not reflect the most current legal developments, and we make no claims, promises or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, currency or adequacy of the contents or information contained or linked to herein. The materials on this website may be changed, improved or updated without notice. We are not responsible for any errors or omissions in the content of this website or for damages arising from the use or performance of this website under any circumstances.

We do not intend this website to be advertising for legal services, but in some jurisdictions, it may be considered as such. Any prior results described on this website do not guarantee a similar outcome. Results depend upon a variety of factors unique to each representation.

We do not seek to represent anyone based upon their viewing of this website in a jurisdiction where this website does not conform to local requirements. This website is not an offer to perform legal services in any jurisdiction in which Philip J. Corson is not licensed to practice. The jurisdictions in which Philip J. Corson is licensed to practice are North Carolina and South Carolina.

Information Provided

The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.  The opinions and views expressed on or through this website are the opinions of the designated authors and do not reflect the opinions or views of any other individual. Information on this website may not constitute the most up-to-date legal or other information. 

Intellectual Property 

This website, the names "Legacy Law Firm" and "Legacy Law Firm, LLC", and the logos used on this website are the property of Legacy Law Firm, LLC and are protected by the intellectual property laws of the United States. You may make a copy of the materials posted on this website for your own personal, noncommercial use, but you may not make or distribute copies of any part of this website for any other purpose.

No Solicitation 

We request that you not use any of the information on this website, including without limitation, any email address that is posted here, to transmit, distribute or facilitate the distribution of unsolicited bulk email or other advertisements to us or our employees, and any such use of the information on this website is a violation of the terms of use of this website.

Further Legal Disclaimer

Nothing contained on our website or its disclaimer is intended to provide legal advice, or to create a contractual or attorney-client relationship. You agree that visiting our website or providing information to our website does not create a contractual or attorney-client relationship. Readers should contact their attorney to obtain advice with respect to any particular legal matter. No reader, user, or browser of this site should act or refrain from acting on the basis of information on this site without first seeking legal advice from counsel in the relevant jurisdiction. Only your individual attorney can provide assurances that the information contained herein or elsewhere – and your interpretation of it – is applicable or appropriate to your particular situation. Use of, and access to, this website or any of the links or resources contained therein do not create an attorney-client relationship between the reader, user, or browser and us. All liability with respect to actions taken or not taken based on the contents of this site are hereby expressly disclaimed. The content hereof is provided "as is;" and no representations are made that the content is error-free.